
This video will highlight the different parts of the body you will need to examine in order to identify your wasp to species level. Before you begin identifying your specimens, ensure you are in an area with good lighting, so their features are more easily distinguishable.

Next: Vespula or Dolichovespula or Vespa crabro

Identification Navigation


Vespula or Dolichovespula
Vespa crabro

Vespula germanica
Vespula vulgaris
Vespula rufa

Dolichovespula media
Dolichovespula sylvestris
Dolichovespula saxonica

Different wasp? It’s really unlikely that you will catch a different species of wasp, but if you do, send us an image so we can help identify it.

Identification Chart

Download PDF for printing or open image in new window.

Next: Vespula or Dolichovespula or Vespa crabro